Who to Follow?

As Thomas Paine said, “Lead, follow, or get out of the way.

How does this apply to trading? From a stock trading perspective “leading” implies one has performed exhaustive research and has uncovered a stock that has positive fundamental, technical, and marketplace metrics. Following” on the other hand implies you know this analyst and they shared their findings with you. 

Or would you rather know the executives running the company?  

Who would you rather follow? 

Unfortunately, we don’t have a snowball’s chance in Hell of getting any tips from the insiders. It would be illegal anyway. 

But there is one way to legally “follow” the insiders without knowing them at all. Our team does this every day with outstanding results and I want to share this strategy with you. 

Join me today, Thursday February 6th @ 1PM for a training session on this strategy. Click here to reserve your seat

Here’s what we’ll cover on Thursday:

The best leading indicator of stock price explosions.

The research and proof behind why this method works so well.

The exact rules to follow (easy). 

Another great benefit this strategy offers is this: It doesn’t require much of your time. You can plan these trades anytime and place your orders in advance.

To your trading success,

Mike Siewruk

PS: Check out the latest video on our YouTube channel. You can also subscribe and get alerted to new lessons. Enjoy!


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