Trade Aptitude

Yesterday’s results: No trades triggered.

Today’s Best S&P Futures Turning Points: Buy 5861.25 stop 5858.25. Short 5859.00 stop 5862.00 if price retraces up from below.  

The World Index: (+100/-100) falls from +21 to -29 with mixed sentiment, China/HK down firmly. 

Catalysts: Empire State MFG Index @ 8:30. Fed’s Daly @ 11:30, Kugler @ 13:00. Contrarian Alert: VIX near 20 is unusual at new highs. 

Quick Tip: VIX Explained 

Have you ever heard of the stock market's “fear gauge”? That’s a nickname for the VIX, or Volatility Index. The VIX helps us understand how much uncertainty or risk there is in the market at any given time. 

It measures how volatile the stock market is expected to be over the next 30 days. In other words, it shows how much the prices of stocks might swing up or down. The more the market is expected to move, the higher the VIX goes. 

It's often called the "fear gauge" because when investors are nervous—like when there’s bad economic news, political uncertainty, or global crises, the VIX tends to rise. When things are calm, the VIX stays low.

For example, in times of extreme crisis, like during the 2008 financial crash or the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the VIX spiked, showing high levels of fear and uncertainty. When the VIX is high, you might sell stocks or buy safer investments. Contrarians might see it as a chance to buy at lower prices, hoping for a rebound.

Here’s the key VIX levels: 

VIX below 15: Markets are calm and stock prices aren't expected to move much.

VIX between 15 and 20: This is considered normal. There’s some movement, but nothing out of the ordinary.

VIX above 30: This is when things get interesting. It usually signals that investors are worried, and the market could see big swings.

Our trading team focuses on multiple strategies for day trading futures. Maybe you'll fit right in. 

Trade Fearlessly,

Mike Siewruk

P.S.  Feel free to pass this along to your trading buddies. Share in the wealth!


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