Trade Aptitude

Yesterday’s results: No trade triggered. 

Today’s Best S&P Futures Turning Points: Nothing tradeable today. 

The World Index: (+100/-100) soars from +8 to +93 with all major world markets very Bullish. Contrarian alert (there will be profit taking, maybe today). 

Catalysts: Jobless Claims & Philly Fed MFG Index @ 8:30. Existing Home Sales @ 10:00. 

Quick Tip: Herd Following

Trend following as a trading strategy is effective and popular among hedge funds. But they don’t all use the same algorithm. They want to be different enough to compete for better returns and the new money to manage that will come pouring in. 

With AI gaining popularity in the trading world, you can imagine that one day there might be no one to trade against. As AI matures, everyone will have access to “all knowledge.” Why wouldn’t everyone use the best rule set? 

This is an interesting challenge that is on the mind of Gary Gensler, head of the SEC. In a Bloomberg article he warned that with AI “too many brokers may be relying on the same models.” The result could be a crisis. 

The same problem could trickle down to retail traders. Individual results would suffer. 

You want to think like the hedge funds. Follow trading rules with proven edge but be “different enough” from everyone else to protect your edge. Break from the herd.

If you swing trade stocks or options and want to learn the best trading strategy I’ve found in 25 years of trading, a strategy that is a clear break from the herd, join me for a live training session today, Thursday September 19th @ 1:30 PM ET. No charge. No disappointments. 

Trade Fearlessly,

Mike Siewruk

P.S.  If you can't attend the live training, watch the recording of our last session here. 


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