Trade Aptitude

Yesterday’s results: No trade triggered. 

Today’s Best S&P Futures Turning Points: Buy 5781.50 stop 5775.75. No short level today. 

The World Index: (+100/-100) soars from +7 to +86 with all major world markets very Bullish on China’s commitment to stimulus. 

Catalysts: GDP, Jobless Claims & Durable Goods, @ 8:30. Pending Home Sales @ 10:00. Fed’s Powell speaks (pre-recorded) @ 9:20. Yellen speaks @ 11:15. Multiple other Fed speakers all day. 

Quick Tip: Motivation

To succeed in trading (actually, anything in life) you must be motivated. There will always be setbacks, frustrations, losses, failures, and rejections. If you’re not motivated you won’t persist. You’ll quit and carry that psychological “loss” with you. Collect enough of those and you’ll be miserable. 

The answer is to get and stay motivated. But how? Find your unsatisfied need. You don’t require motivation for anything that you’re already satisfied with. You don’t even think about it. If you have enough money for acceptable shelter, food, transportation, and recreation you’re not worried. You’re covered. 

But if you don’t have enough money for any, or all, of those things, you’ll be VERY motivated to get them and keep them. They are the basics, and you must have those. 

Trading is challenging. It requires a willingness to learn, change, be open-minded and disciplined. That requires plenty of motivation. Finding your unsatisfied need is critical to your sustained motivation. Thus, your ultimate success as a consistent, profitable trader. 

For example, I intensely value freedom. Not just our democratic society, but personal freedom of time, location, and finances. I want to work WHEN I desire, live WHERE I desire, and not be constrained by the budget to do so. To me, trading is the ideal endeavor for getting and keeping those freedoms. Find yours and remind yourself daily.

Our trading teams focus on day trading futures and swing trading options. Maybe you'll fit right in. You can try either or both risk-free. 

Trade Fearlessly,

Mike Siewruk

P.S.  Feel free to pass this along to your trading buddies. Share in the wealth!


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