Trade Aptitude

Results of Tuesday’s Best S&P Futures Turning Points: Buying 4972.75 only offered a 6.50-point bounce. 

Today’s Best S&P Futures Turning Points (consider wider stops and less size in fast moving markets): 

Buy 4926.00 stop 4920.75. Short 5026.50 stop 5031.00.

The World Index: (+100/-100) inches up from zero to +6 in a world of mixed sentiment and rising volatility. 

Catalysts: Fed’s Bowman @ 13:00. FOMC Meeting Minutes @ 14:00. NVDA after the bell.

Quick Tip: Why Multi-Strat?

If you read this blog daily you know that our team trades live daily in a multi-strat environment. Focusing on multiple strategies is not for everyone. In fact, few of our team trade all the strategies. 

So why know how to trade them? 

1. Diversity. Markets change character. They’re either trending or not, volatile, or not. No single strategy works well in all those conditions. Having the choice to deploy the most appropriate strategy gives you flexibility and an edge. 

2. Abundance. If you find yourself breaking your rules to get in the action, you’ll benefit from the abundance of setups multi-strat provides. You won’t have FOMO. You know that there will be plenty of opportunities so you can choose the best probability trades. 

3. If you’re comfortable with fast action and quick decisions you’ll enjoy the experience more than focusing on one strategy and getting bored with the waiting time. 

4. Learning. You’ll need to study and practice different rule sets. This doesn’t mean you must trade them all, but it’s extremely helpful to know how other traders, your opponents in the competition, are viewing the same price action. 

5. Entry clues. It’s not uncommon for two different strategies to be setting up trades in the same direction. This confluence is good. 

6. Exit clues. It’s also not uncommon for one strategy to signal a buy while you’re short a different strategy (and vice versa). These can be excellent profit targets. 

7. In his book Enhancing Trader Performance, Dr. Brett Steenbarger implores new traders to learn, practice, and experience many different styles of trading before deciding which to adopt. Your trading style must resonate with your personality. 

Imagine the confidence and consistency you would have trading with true abundance.  

Tired of trading alone? Join us, learn the strategies, and trade live with us daily for 30 days. Money back if you’re not blown away!

Trade Fearlessly,

Mike Siewruk

P.S. Forward this blog to your trading buddies. Share in the wealth!


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