Trade Aptitude

Today’s Best S&P Futures Turning Points: Nothing tradeable today.  

Tuesday’s results: Price whipsawed the volume level stopping out both trades.  

The World Index: (+100/-100) drops from -21 to -43 with most major world markets Bearish on increasing volatility. 

Catalysts: Richmond MFG Index @ 10:00. Fed’s Williams @ 13:45. Beige Book @ 14:00. 

Quick Tip: Waiting 

I grew up in Michigan. A local saying about the weather was “Wait a day, it’ll change.” Now I live in Florida where during the rainy season you can drop your waiting time to an hour!

Markets are very similar. They trend up or down and then move sideways. Back and forth. Patience pays off and impulsivity gets hammered. 

This cyclicality applies to your strategy performance too. You’ll have winning streaks, flat periods, and losing streaks. Given this reality you need rules to manage each condition to prosper, even survive. 

Here’s an example: The volume levels suggested here are one component of an overall strategy that pre-determines stops and targets. 

Currently the strategy performance has fallen off. Just like you can’t consistently pick tops and bottoms, you can’t do the same with strategy starts and stops. What can you do? Be more selective. Reduce size. Learn to wait. And most importantly, have another strategy to trade! Our intraday trend strategy is performing well, capturing 66.50 S&P points yesterday (trading 3 contracts). 

Tired of trading alone? Join our team. You can learn the strategies and trade live with us daily for 30 days. Money back if you’re not blown away! Take advantage of the final days of this promotional price.   

Trade Fearlessly,

Mike Siewruk

P.S.  Feel free to pass this along to your trading buddies. Share in the wealth!


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