Trade Aptitude

psychology Aug 01, 2024

Today’s Best S&P Futures Turning Points: This strategy remains on hold.

The World Index: (+100/-100) plummets from +86 to -50 with all major world markets Bearish except the USA with tech leading the way. 

Catalysts: Jobless Claims @ 8:30. Final MFG PMI @ 9:45. ISM MFG PMI and Construction Spending @ 10:00. AAPL & AMZN earnings after the bell. 

Quick Tip: Three Facts

Most of your success in trading will come from your ability to manage your psychology about winning and losing and being right or wrong. Unfortunately, we’ve all been raised to believe that winning is good, losing is bad, being right is good, being wrong is bad. The market is different. 

One of my favorite books on trading is Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom by Van Tharp. He gets this game from a psychological perspective really well. 

Here are three facts about trading success he uncovered in his research of successful traders/investors. They all had: 

1. Controlled risk. 

2. Win rates of 35% to 50% but winning trades much larger than losing trades. 

3. Contrarian view. No fear of going against the crowd. 

While you could imagine a rule in your trade plan for each of these that wouldn’t ensure your success. It is your ability to consistently maintain internal control that brings you success.

Consistency doesn’t only mean you profit regularly; consistency starts with the perfect application of your rules. 

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Trade Fearlessly,

Mike Siewruk

P.S.  Feel free to pass this along to your trading buddies. Share in the wealth!


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