Trade Aptitude

Today’s Best S&P Futures Turning Points: Nothing tradeable today.  

Monday’s results: This strategy is on hold. To understand why, read yesterday's newsletter.

The World Index: (+100/-100) plummets from +57 to -29 with most major world markets Bearish.  

Catalysts: JOLTS & Factory Orders @10:00

Quick Tip: Your Hot List

If you’re a directional stock or options trader you know the importance of stock selection. All the trading skills in the world don’t matter if you’re trading assets that don’t move. 

You could look at the historical performance of stocks to assume their past will repeat in the future but that’s not ideal. 

There is a better way… a true Leading Indicator. Insider buying. Key executives have only one reason to write 7 and 8-figure checks to own more of their company. They think it’s going up and research has proven this to be true.

From "The Effect of CEO Insider Trading on Firm Performance” published in the Journal of Business Research in 2021. This study found that CEO insider purchases are associated with positive abnormal returns and higher future firm performance. There are plenty of other studies collaborating this finding. 

It’s never that easy though! It turns out to no one’s surprise that all Insider buys are not created equal. 

If you want to learn the proven “edge” in how to pick the highest probability buys, join me on Wednesday June 5th at 1PM ET for a live training session. Q&A included. Click here to reserve your seat. 

If that doesn’t fit your schedule, you can watch a recent recording of the same training session. Click here. 

Trade Fearlessly,

Mike Siewruk

P.S.  Feel free to pass this along to your trading buddies. Share in the wealth!


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