Trade Aptitude

Results of Wednesday’s Best S&P Futures Turning Points: Buying 4551.75 only offered a 6.50-point bounce. The breakout was the better trade, joining the trend, running for 16.25 points to the next level where price formed the bottom of the session. :-)

Today’s Best S&P Futures Turning Points (consider wider stops and less size in fast moving markets): 

Buy 4512.00 stop 4507.00. Short 4598.50 stop 4605.50. 

The World Sentiment Index: (+100/-100) eases up from -86 to -46 with most major markets Bearish but less so than yesterday. 

Catalysts: Jobless Claims @ 8:30. Final Services PMI @ 9:45. ISM Services PMI & Factory Orders @ 10:00. 

Quick Tip: Small Account Trading

Having a small account shouldn’t prevent you from swing trading stocks. You won’t be trading AAPL or TSLA or NVDA. Even their options can be expensive for a small account. 

So how do you find stocks you can afford to trade? 

And how do you know they are quality businesses that are likely to move higher? 

The lower priced stocks that are poised to explode are not household names. But there is a “hidden” clue available that has tremendous edge. 

It’s not a chart pattern or technical indicator. It’s way better. It’s a true leading indicator of price. This has been documented in research by Wall Street and academia for years. 

Check out a few of the trades we’ve recently made using this strategy. 

You could have bought… 

SMMT @ $1.57/share, up 86% in 106 days. 

TMC @ $0.93/share, up 244% in 28 days. 

REKR @ $1.41/share, up 121% in 20 days. 

LYRA @ $3.00/share, up 61% in 20 days. 

Of course, not every stock this strategy uncovers performs that well but think about it, when the average gain on your winners even comes close to 100%, can you handle some small losers? 

Join me today, Thursday August 3rd @ 1PM for a training session on this strategy. Click here to reserve your seat. 

Here’s what we’ll cover Today: 

*** The best leading indicator of stock price explosions

*** The research and proof behind why this method works so well

*** The exact rules to follow (easy). 

Another great benefit this strategy offers is this: It doesn’t require much of your time. You can plan these trades anytime and place your orders in advance.

Grab a seat here.

Trade Fearlessly,

Mike Siewruk

P.S. This training session is limited to 100 traders. There are only 19 seats left. I promise you will not be disappointed!


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