Trade Aptitude

trade planning Oct 11, 2024

Yesterday’s results: No trades triggered; the levels remain on the chart. 

Today’s Best S&P Futures Turning Points: Buy 5789.50 stop 5786.25. Short 5787.00 stop 5790.25 if price retraces back up from below. 

The World Index: (+100/-100) drops from +21 to zero with mixed sentiment. 

Catalysts: PPI @ 8:30. Fed’s Goolsbee @ 9:45, Logan @ 10:45, Bowman @ 13:10. UofM Consumer Sentiment & Inflation Expectations @ 10:00. 

Quick Tip: Market vs. Limit Orders

Market orders all get filled. Limit orders may not get filled. Which is best? 

For stop loss orders market is better. You may experience some slippage in a fast market but that is preferable to seeing big slippage because your limit didn’t fill, and the market ran away. No big losses. 

For entries this is more of a style question. 

If your trade setups are planned like our volume-at-price and supply/demand strategies, you can set a limit order and presumably get your fill. But you may not. Market orders will get filled, but frequently at a different price, which could be better or worse. Missing a big move because you required a limit fill is painful. 

If your trade setups are dynamic, meaning you’re watching the action in real time to enter, then you have some flexibility. You can attempt a limit order and if not filled, switch to a market order. 

As in all trading rule decisions plenty of practice in simulated mode will guide you to what resonates with your strategy, personality, and trading style.

Our trading teams focus on multiple strategies for day trading futures and high-probability candidates for swing trading options. Maybe you'll fit right in. You can try either or both risk-free. 

Trade Fearlessly,

Mike Siewruk

P.S.  Feel free to pass this along to your trading buddies. Share in the wealth!


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