Trade Aptitude

Results of Wednesday’s Best S&P Futures Turning Points: Neither trade suggestion triggered. 

Today’s Best S&P Futures Turning Points (filtered OUT during CPI release if price is too volatile): 

Buy 4397.25 stop 4392.00. Short 4498.00 stop 4501.50.

The World Index: (+100/-100) jumps from +29 to +64 with all major world markets Bullish. 

Catalysts: CPI & Jobless Claims @ 8:30. Crude Oil Inventories @ 11:00. 30-year bond auction @ 13:01.  

Quick Tip: Are You Blind?

You’re reading this so we’re not talking about your vision. No offense. There are so many cognitive biases that affect our trading results, and everyone has some. Possibly the worst bias is called Personal Blind Spot.

It occurs when you fail to recognize your weaknesses and shortcomings, leading to suboptimal trading decisions and poor performance.

One of the primary ways to resolve this bias is through self-reflection and self-awareness. You must take the time to assess your strengths and weaknesses and be brutally honest about their limitations.

Easier said than done, so get feedback from others, your colleagues, or mentors, to gain an objective perspective on your trading behavior. 

For example, while I would tell our team not to multi-task and stay focusedI would multi-task and lose focus on occasion. When first realizing this, I justified it. I’m trading my account live, analyzing market conditions, and teaching techniques simultaneously. How could I not multi-task? The answer was simply prioritizing. Managing live trades won out. 

Are you trading alone and unaware of your biases?   Join our team. You can learn multiple strategies tuned for different market conditions and trade live with us for 30 days. New reduced price offer. Money back if you’re not blown away!

Trade Fearlessly,

Mike Siewruk

P.S. Feel free to share this newsletter with your trading buddies. 


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