Confront Reality

Yesterday’s results: No suggestions offered.  

Today’s Best S&P Futures Turning Points: Buy 6017.25 stop 6012.25. Short 6013.00 stop 6018.00 if price retraces up from below. 

The World Index: (+100/-100) jumps -7 to +21 with sentiment mixed on low volatility. 

Catalysts: No known catalysts today. 

Quick Tip: Confront Reality

How is your trading going? That’s a question you should be asking yourself on a regular basis. Think hard, be critical, answer honestly. And don’t worry about talking to yourself, we all learned that it’s OK during Covid lockdown. 

What you’ll find when you question your results critically are some trailheads for improvement. It might be as subtle as the quality of your record keeping or the consistency of your pre-trading routine. 

Or it could be as important as the quality of your strategies. Are they firing on all cylinders? Are you in a drawdown, or close to one? What did you do differently during your last solid performance? 

The only way to improve is to know what to change. And then act. Procrastinating or hoping for conditions to “return to normal” are not proactive enough. 

Trade fearlessly,

Mike Siewruk

P.S. If you’re swing trading stocks or options you’ll want to check out this free training on the best strategy I’ve found in 25 years of trading. Join me on Black Friday, November 29 @ 12 Noon ET. No disappointments.


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